One Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway
Holy smokes! Where has the time gone???
I just can’t believe it!
One year ago today,
So, it’s official.
I’ve been blogging for a year now! Yay!
I had no idea at the time where all this would take me.
Thank you everyone for making this possible.
I couldn’t imagine my life without this blog,
or the friends I’ve met because of it.
Some, I've had the immense pleasure to meet
in real life and,
others have become such very dear friends
via email and Facebook (you know who you are!!).
When I started this journey a year ago, I didn't fully
understand the power of your friendship.
When I was going through my daddy's final
illness I asked for prayers
and they were so freely given it brought
tears to my eyes.
I cannot begin to tell you how much your prayers
helped me during that difficult time.
Thank you.
When we recently welcomed
my grandson into the world
you shared in my joy so completly
that it was though we were hugging in person!
With happy tears in my eyes right now I tell all of you,
I love you friends and I value your support
with all of my heart!
Of course I can't forget to thank my family!
Mr. B, yes, he is just as sweet in real life as I make
him out to be in my posts.
He truly is my biggest cheerleader.
He pushed and prodded me to
share my tables, garden, recipes, thrift finds, all of it.
He just knew I would be a success.
He also sees me as far more talented
and funnier than I do myself.
My sons, gosh, the praise they give to me
and this little blog
is amazing!
I hope that I have made them as proud of me
as they have me!
Things weren't easy, raising them on my own,
but my love and theirs has never wavered!
We made a pretty good team.
To show my appreciation I wanted to have a giveaway.
Some of my very favorite bloggers have contributed some amazing prizes!
To make it fun, cuz you know I am a big fan of fun,
I am breaking them out into 4 different giveaways!
Enter one, two or all of them!
Unfortunately most items cannot be shipped out of the
United States so the giveaways are
only available to those in America. All giveaways will end at 10:00 PM Mountain timeon Wednesday August 29, 2012.
The first prize pack includes a prize from
one of friends in real life and, now in the blogging world.
please go visit her!
Mercy and I used to work together
but have stayed in contact.
Mercy has an amazing talent for
finding the most amazing fabric
and making them into clutches and purses.
She now sells them on her Etsy shop
Mercy has generously donated this
beautiful Turquoise Clutch.
Also included in this prize pack,
one of my funkiest and funnest bloggy buddies,
Jen from
has donated 2 months of a 125x125 ad space on her blog!
If you have never visited Jen's blog
a Rafflecopter giveawayThe next prize pack is from someone special to me.
Laura from
I met Laura when she would guest post on her daughter
We have since become great friends.
It seems not a day goes by that
we aren't emailing back and forth.
I share cooking tips with her and
she gives me, much needed, nail and hair care advice.
I am convinced we are long lost sisters!
Mr. B just knows her as well as
"My Friend Laura".
Laura has donated a
a big tube of
Elizabeth Gray Body Balm
and a pair of lovely earrings from
Forever 21.
If the body balm works as well as the
hair conditioner she sent me does,
the winner of this is going to look 10 years younger!
And the earrings? How fun and flirty are they?
I'm really excited to include Brook from
in this prize pack!
Brooke is who I went to to redesign my blog!
She endured countless late night
emails from me.
She asked me about things I had
not even thought of.
You all know that I do love my new look
and I owe it all
to Brooke!
Brooke is also celebrating her
1st year Blogiversary so be
sure to stop by and enter her giveaways!
Brooke is offering
a new header and matching buttons for your blog!
Brook is your go to gal when you decide
to update the look of your blog!
a Rafflecopter giveawayThe next giveaway package features two new
First up is Adrianne from
I met Adrianne from joining her fun
link party she hosts every Friday!
She has also been so helpful to me
in answering my many blogging questions.
Adrianne has donated a beautiful
hand beaded wrap bracelet. I love the purple beads.
Actually, it would go really well with the
dress I am wearing to my son's wedding
in November! Hmm...
I love my new friend Alecia from
Not only is she getting married soon,
but she loves Halloween and so do I!
In spite of all the planning
for her upcoming wedding,
Halloween decorating, and blogging,
Alecia has donated a
wonderful handmade necklace.
I love what it says.
Let It Go has kinda been my motto this year.
There is so much we can't control so,
Let It Go!
a Rafflecopter giveawayThe final giveaway package is from
my blog, and Likes me on Facebook
so much.
I will be giving away a
$50.00 Visa Gift Card!
In addition to the gift card, I will be giving one lucky winner
a copy of the just released e-Book
This e-Book features Fall decor ideas and recipes
from 40 bloggers, including yours truly!
Finally, I will be offering a 125x125 ad space
on the side bar of my blog for 3 months!
a Rafflecopter giveaway I sincerely wish I could have prizes for you all!
I am virtually raising a tall champagne glass to you all!
Here's to many more years of fun and crafty deeds done dirt cheap!
Don't forget to come by on Tuesday's
for the link party.