I'm not certain what my main goal for 2013 is yet. I do know what some of my goals are. Number one, I have is to get a job. I'd like it to be something I love doing but, I know too well, you can't have everything you want in life. I want to be more consistent with my posting here on my blog. I've kinda taken some time off for the holidays but I'd like to have a new post up at least twice a week, not including my favorite post of the week, the You're Gonna Love It link party every Tuesday. The powder room, kitchen and laundry room are all screaming to get a new coat of paint so I plan to tackle those rooms. I really need to get my stash of dishes in some sort of real order, which, could mean getting rid of some of them {gasp}. So, maybe my goal for 2013 is, finish what I start! Yes, I think that is a good goal to have. There it is! It's out there into the world and you all are my witnesses and motivation. I can't and won't let you down. Pinky swear!
Now that that is all settle it's time for a party! A New Year's Eve party!
I wanted the table to be full of glitz and sparkle. I started with a black striped tablecloth from Goodwill. The silver sparkly square chargers are actually scrapbook papers from Michael's that I bought with a gift card from my youngest son and his girlfriend.
I then added Candlewick dinner plates, topped with clock faced salad plates I bought on clearance last year from Burlington Coat Factory. I paid $3.50 for the set of four.
The napkins, done in a bow fold, are from Home Goods and the napkin rings were a recent Pier 1 purchase using a gift card from my son and daughter-in-law.
And my favorite vintage Rogers silverplate flatware added the perfect elegance to the setting.
For the centerpiece I used a few more sheets of the glittered paper and placed 3 of my Godinger goblets upside down for candle holders.
Some clear and pearl gems are scattered around the table to mimic confetti.
Noisemakers to bring in the new year are set in champagne flutes.
There are tiaras for the women and hats for the men, or, vice versa LOL.
Whatever the new year brings, I want to wish you much happiness, love and peace!
You have made 2012 so much fun and I so appreciate you taking
the time to visit with me here and on my Facebook page!
You have made 2012 so much fun and I so appreciate you taking
the time to visit with me here and on my Facebook page!
Cheers friends!
I always share my tables with
Kathleen at Let's Dish at Cuisine Kathleen
Click here to see where else I may be partying this week.
Don't forget to come by on Tuesdays
for my link party.
{The party will resume on
January 7th at 6 PM Mountain}