ic Test Blog: Solar Lights~DIY Quick Fix

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Solar Lights~DIY Quick Fix

Hallelujah! We FINALLY have some Spring weather going on here!
Highs in the 70's, sunshine! Birds singing, squirrels being squirrely!

I have spent as much time outside as I can. Saturday night we sat out on the back patio enjoying the cool, not cold, evening.

Sitting there I remembered I needed to put out my solar lights into the garden.
I like the warm glow they send out and I have missed them.

But, of course, once I dug them out of my shed, they didn't work.
Now these are not expensive lights but, I didn't want to go buy all new either.
Luckily, I know how to fix them right up! And, I am going to share my tip with you! Cuz, well, we're friends and all and that's what friends do, right?
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
Take your light and check it out closely as some are different.
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
By the bulb you should see some small screws. I grabbed my Mr. B's small Phillips head screwdriver and took all three of them out.
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
SLOWLY pull the two pieces apart.  Looky there!  A single AA battery! Yep, that is what gets charged by the sun during the day so that it glows at night!
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
Check out our battery organizer.  This is the very first Pin I ever copied. We found it at Big Lots for $3.00.
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
It has four compartments perfect for all of the different batteries we use. Pretty nifty eh?

Simply replace the old battery with a new one, put your screws back in and,
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
let there be light!! (*edited. I have been hearing from you that if you use regular batteries, they will explode.  YMMV but, I have never had one explode in all of the years I have been doing this.  Also, you probably should use batteries designed for solar recharging. But, I have opened many of these to replace the battery and the manufacture of the light had put in regular everyday, cheapo batteries. I accept no responsibility for any harm to you or to your lights.  I am just informing you of what works for me)  

Now, if you have a different type of light, say like this one from WalMart,
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
with the globe on top, it gets even easier to replace the battery.
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
Simply pull the stake out and you will see this on the globe end
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
One single screw. Leave the three screws by the bulb alone.
A how-to on fixing your solar path lights
And there is your battery. Change it out, put the screw back in and you are done! Now, you know I am always honest with you. 
Two of my lights didn't make the cut. They had gotten corroded inside the battery chamber. But, I am okay with that because, I have had these lights for 4-5 years now. I can either chose to replace them or, admit I had too many in the garden anyway LOL! Now that you know the secret, are you ready to shine some light on your garden or pathways this season?
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Click here to see where I may be partying this week.
Don't forget to come by on Tuesday's
for the link party.

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