ic Test Blog: The Perfect Summer Breakfast Buffet

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Perfect Summer Breakfast Buffet

Disclosure: This shop and post have been sponsored by Cost Plus World Market to celebrate their Summer Fun Sweepstakes.

Summer time, to me, not only means fun vacations away from home, it also means visitors from far away. The guest room is prepared as is the guest bath.  But, what about feeding your guests?

Oh sure, you could have bowls, milk and cereal on hand but, why not treat your guests to something special.  I mean, they did travel by car, bus, train or plane to see you, right? 
How about a waffle and crepe breakfast buffet served al fresco?
#SummerFun Breakfast Buffet
You could set your table on top of a fun outdoor rug out by the garden first thing in the morning.
#SummerFun Breakfast Buffet

#SummerFun Breakfast Buffet
For our guests, while I set the table, Mr. B made up a batch of waffles and crepes.
Breakfast Buffet Decor

Waffle and Crepe Buffet Inpiration
These mixes from World Market could not be any easier to use! 
In just a few minutes you can have gourmet breakfast food to serve.
Breakfast Buffet Inspiration
Speaking of gourmet, I added cute little jars filled with fun fruit spreads such as Mango, Orange Marmalade with Champagne, Lemon Curd, and Black Cherry. And, of course, we had to have the maple syrup in the Maple Leaf bottle!
#SummerFun Breakfast Buffet

#SummerFun Breakfast Buffet

How cute is that turtle holding the butter?  
And how fun and colorful are the plates?
Summer Breakfast Buffet Tablescape
The red tablecloth over a yellow thrift store cloth really adds some color and pop!
Of course, there has to be drinks!  You could go the boring plain OJ route or,
how about some Blood Orange or Orange, Mango Passion Fruit soda, plain or, mixed with champagne for a new take on a mimosa? And, if you need a kickstart to get your morning going, nothing beats a Bloody Mary amIright?
Summer Fun Breakfast Tablescape

Summer Breakfast Tablescape
Add glasses and flatware and your Perfect Summer Breakfast Buffet is ready for your guests to dig in!
Summer Breakfast Table

Tablescape for Summer

#SummerFun Breakfast Buffet
Need some more ideas to set up your own Summer Breakfast Buffet?  Check out my #SummerFun board on Pinterest!

Speaking of the perfect summer...what could be more perfect than you and your family going on a trip? What if you and your family of 4 could win a trip + hotel to anywhere that Southwest Airlines is willing to fly you?
Cost Plus World Market has partnered up with Southwest Airlines to offer four Great Summer Getaways. Enter for a chance to win a trip for 4 anywhere Southwest Airlines flies. There will be 4 Weekly Grand Prize Packages, including: Airfare for 4 on Southwest Airlines, Hotel Accommodations and $500 World Market gift card. Enter the World Market’s Great Summer Getaway Sweepstakes today! 

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I always share my tables with

Click here to see where else I may be partying this week. 
Don't forget to come by on Tuesday's
for my link party.

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