When I was young, I remember my brothers and I sneaking down the stairs on Christmas morning, before mom and dad were awake, to see if Santa had stopped by our house yet. We weren't allowed to open any gifts until the parents got up, but we could take a peek into our stockings. As sure as Santa is real, at the very bottom, in the toe if you will, we'd find one beautiful orange. I never knew why, but it was tradition. Now that I am all grown up, relatively speaking, the new tradition is to have an adult beverage nearby as we open gifts. That is where this cocktail comes in. Orange In Your Stocking pays homage to memories gone by. An easy drink with just enough Sunkist Orange Soda zip to enjoy at the holidays, from Christmas to New Years Eve.
Orange In Your Stocking Cocktail Recipe1.5 oz Vanilla Vodka1.5 oz Heavy Cream4 oz Sunkist Orange SodaFor this batch, I used this fun Shaker I had received from Canada Dry.Pour the vodka and heavy cream, along with some ice, into the shaker. Give it a couple of light shakes and pour into a glass. Top with the Sunkist Orange Soda and stir lightly. You can make it kid friendly too just by leaving out the vodka.Now, here is my early gift to you. You can get your very own Canada Dry Shaker FREE when you purchase any 3 Diet, Regular or TEN Canada Dry, 7-Up, A&W, Sunkist or other participating products during a special promotion going on now exclusively at Target Stores.
Here is how it works:- Go to the Soft Drink Aisle of your local participating Target store where you will find a special “Shake up the Season” sign featuring a list of all the eligible items along with the Canada Dry Shakers on the top shelf.
- Bring the participating items you’ve selected to purchase along with the Canada Dry Shaker to the front checkout. The cashier will ring up your items, along with the Canada Dry Shaker, which will ring up at the full $14.99 price.
- After the cashier scans your 3 or more participating items plus the Canada Dry Shaker, they will scan the FREE Canada Dry Shaker Coupon printed on the side of box. How is that for easy?
Browse online savings with Target Cartwheel to to receive an additional 5% off your purchase. To learn more about all of the Canada Dry products and to find more drink recipes perfect for the holidays, go to the Canada Dry website.Canada Dry Shaker Offer Available Exclusively at Target, while supplies last
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