ic Test Blog: Dig, Drop, Get 'Er Done!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dig, Drop, Get 'Er Done!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done. for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Like you didn't already know this but, 

I have this thing for flower bulbs.

I love them!

I love how easy they are to plant.

I love that they come back every year for me to enjoy.

I have several perennial gardens

 and I know Spring has finally arrived once the

little green shoots of bulbs I planted last Fall

peek through the soil.


 Just recently I was introduced to Dig Drop Done. 

visit www.digdropdone.com to learn more

It's a really cute site that will help you

 and encourage you as you get ready for planting bulbs and taking care of them. 

Are you a novice and have no idea where to start?

Their "Ready To Learn" menu is the perfect place for you to start.


I've also been looking for some new bulbs to plant.

I have planted bulbs to bloom in the Spring

and bulbs that bloom later in the season.

What I'd really like is flowers and color

blooming throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall.

I went through their "Bulb Browser" and BAM!

One of their first drop down menus was

"Bloom Time"!!!

Just what I needed!! 

I also found out about a bulb I have wanting

to plant forever!

I have always wondered when I could plant Muscari.

I used the Garden Guru tool at Curbside Chaos

and selected my area to find out when I can plant them. Now I know!

It also goes along with their Bulb Calendar that you can find in the

"Ready to Plant" drop down menu.

When you click that, it brings up the month we're already in.

You can then look at the months ahead to see

what you'll need to prepare for next month!

For me the ability to plan ahead is huge!

I can then keep an eye on sales

and buy what I will need in the future now more economically!

Another thrifty tip,

most bulbs multiply and can be divided!

This means free plants!!

When you visit the website you will also be introduced to some

fun ladies!

I can totally relate to Evelyn.

Like her, I now find myself with grown children

that have flown the coop, leaving

the nest empty.

For the first time in years I now have time that

I can devote to planting beautiful bulb gardens.


I could seriously spend all day

on their website!

I am so happy to have found it it just in

time for they planting and

gardening season!


But wait!

In addition to all of the great tips and information on bulb planting,

 "Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done"

is having an awesome contest.

They're giving away a $5,000 yard makeover to one lucky winner.

The contest ends April 15, 2012

so enter right now!

All you need to do is submit a photo of your yard at Curbside Chaos

When you enter the contest share on Twitter.

“Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.”

will donate $1 to Rebuilding Together

for every time this contest is shared on Twitter!


So, what are you waiting for?

Get out there,

grab some bulbs and

dig, drop and get 'er done!

Visit Sponsor's Site

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