ic Test Blog: Springtime in Colorado

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Springtime in Colorado

Like most of the country
we have been experiencing
an early Spring
here in Colorado.
The front of our house faces north
and we usually don't see the lawn 
until mid April.
This year 
all of the winter snow 
was gone by the second week of March.
March is normally our snowiest month.
2012 went into the history books
as the driest on record.

This past weekend we broke 
other records.
We were in the mid 80's both Saturday and Sunday. 
This strange weather pattern 
meant that 
we are able to enjoy
the color of the bulbs planted in Fall
in Spring!
 The daffodils and  hyacinths
are blooming.
Tulips are peeking through the warm soil.
The forsythia bush
is in full bloom
with flowers as bright as the sunshine.
I was able to get out the rake
and clean out the back perennial bed.
I cover it with my homemade compost
and then leaves
that were gathered and shredded
last fall as mulch.
After the April and May rains
I will put up
the little wooden fence
to hold all of the anticipated
plants in check.
 Mr. B's hop plants
are already climbing the twine
he set up to go
up to the second story of the house!
This is their second year and they are
fuller and stronger than last year.
He is hoping to get enough hops to
add to his home brewed beer this Fall.

Of course, as anyone that
has lived in Colorado, for even a short period of time knows,
the weather can change in an instant.
Our last frost isn't usually until Mother's day.

Tuesday was no surprise to us then
when we woke to cold and snow.
80's one day, high 30's the next.
It is much needed moisture.
We learn to trust that
Mother Nature knows what she is doing.
The snow she sends now
actually protects the young plants and flowers.
The snow now means
beautiful gardens later.

We accept that here. 
Nay, we expect that here.
We look ahead to 
the beauty of 
Springtime in Colorado!

Click here to see where I may be partying this week.

Be sure to stop by on Friday April 13th for a big announcement!

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