ic Test Blog: Thrifted Bedside Table

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thrifted Bedside Table

A few weeks ago,
I think it was July 4th,
Mr. B & I were taking it easy,
as we are want to do,
when Mr. B asked if I want to
got to ARC.

ARC is a Colorado based
thrift store chain.

Did I want to go??
YES, I wanted to go!

He was on a mission to find
some widget he needed for something
(I really wasn't paying much attention...sorry Mr. B).
I had no mission.
I just wanted to wander the aisles to see if
anything caught my eye.

Luck would have it,
it was also
50% off most colored tag day.
You know me,
I live for those sale days!

I moseyed around while he went off
to find, gosh, I don't know what it was.

None of the dishes or textiles
called to me.
It appeared I might actually leave empty handed.

Mr. B joined me, having not found
whatever gadgety thing
he was looking for.
This trip was looking like a total bust!

We decided to walked to the back
to where they keep the furniture.
We saw a few interesting pieces and then,
I saw this!
I had been wanting a little table
for my side of the bed.
Something to hold a lamp, my iPad and my iPhone.
I had been using one of those
round MDF tables with 3 legs with a
cloth over it.
Functional but not really my style.
I dreamed of something nicer.
Something just as perfect as THIS!

I looked her over real closely.
I wanted something sturdy yet, feminine.
She (yes she is a she) is all wood.
No MDF or fiber board.
I wasn't familiar with the manufacturer
but my research shows she is a good piece.

Look at her jewelry!
Oh she has some nicks, laugh lines if you will
 but, no major damage.

And best of all,
she had a blue colored tag!

Yes!  I only paid $7.50 for her!

We brought to her forever home
(is that something only said about pets? No, I think
it applies to unloved furniture too!)
and I immediately set her next to our bed.
Oh I just love her.

I do plan to give her new clothes.
My inspiration comes from
a guest post one of my favorite bloggers
did over at one of my daily blog reads
Here's where I need your advice.
I plan to try my hand at chalk paint.
I was thinking I may sand and 
stain the top a walnut finish
and do a vintage white on the rest of her.
What do you think?

She is truly one of my very favorite
thrift finds!
I think I shall name her 

Click here to see where else I may be partying this week.

And don't forget to come by on Tuesday's
for the link party.

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