ic Test Blog: Mother's Day Tablescape

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mother's Day Tablescape

This truly has to be the hardest table I have ever put together!  
I normally am not a perfectionist, 
unless it's one of my tablescapes. 
Everything has to be perfect! 
The table is my canvas upon which I can let my creative juices flow. 
Knowing when to step back and say "enough" 
is usually very hard for me. 
But, not this week. 
This week I present to you my 
Mother's Day Table 2012
C'mon!  It's Mother's Day!  
I will not be cooking nor will I be cleaning.  
We will be dining out on Sunday!

To all of my readers,
whether you be a mother
to children, or pets,
a special Auntie or friend,
I wish you a very
Happy Mother's Day!

Of course I can't leave you with just my blank table 
to look at so, I am re-posting 
a table I put together back in September 
as a shout out to my beautiful mother-in-law. 

To: Linda 
Happy Mother's Day!  
I love you dear friend! 
You are there for me 
when I need you and I know
I am always in your prayers
Thank you!
From: Your favorite daughter-in-law ;]

For The Love Of Blue
I am very lucky.  I have a mother-in-law that is also a dear friend.  She and my dear father-in-law accepted me into the family from day one.  I carry the family name with great honor. She and I share so many of the same likes.  She loves to shop (me too!).  She is very thrifty (oh you know I am).  She desires to set pretty tables (hello!!).  And, we both think Mr. B is just wonderful (and I thank her for raising such a fine man ). The only thing we don’t share is our favorite color.  Mine changes with my mood and the season.  Right now, I am loving the orange of pumpkins, the golds of leaves changing, the rust of mums.  In Spring, I might be more moved by the reds of tulips or the yellow of a daffodil. My mother-in-law never wavers.  He true favorite color is, and always is, blue. 

With her in mind, I set this table to share with her, and with you.  

I started with an off white tablecloth. Forgive me for not taking an iron to it.  It's been a stressful week at work and I claim being tired.  

I then layered a white plate from our every day Gibson set.  The small blue flowered salad plates were a Goodwill find, again on a 50% off day, and were .25 each. On top of that I placed Candlewick sherbet glasses. I also used a Candlewick salt & pepper set that I purchased on EBay.  They have never been used and still have the labels on them!

The napkins were purchased from on online source that for the life of me I can’t remember right now (Edit: I remembered!  Boscov's!).  The napkin rings were another gift from Mr. B. The flatware is the same as I used on my table last week  (see here) as are the crystal water goblets.

The candlesticks were yet another Goodwill 50% off purchase at $1.00 each.  I chose dark, cobalt blue candlesticks to go with the placemats.  The blue stems came from Dollar Tree, if you can believe it!  Mr. B thought they were from a much more expensive store. Was he ever happy to find out I spent only one dollar on each of them LOL.

To keep the centerpiece simple, I used a silver plated bread tray purchased in a lot at a local auction and used a faux loaf of bread found on sale from Hobby Lobby.

I hope my dear mother-in-law sees this table and knows that I set it with her love of the color blue in mind ♥ ♥

I always share my tablescapes with 
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life Table Top Tuesday

Click here to see where else I may be partying this week.

Don't forget to come by on Tuesday's
for the link party.

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